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“Visionary artists meet Machine Learning”

This year's Symbiosis Gathering featured yet another spectacular group collage featuring Oliver Vernon, Damon Soule, David Choong Lee, Mars-1 and Nome Edonna.

Initially upon returning home I was inspired to create a digital portrait using similar techniques to the artist portraits I have previously created (1, 2, 3, 4), however in the end I thought I might experiment with Machine Language. As with all of the portraits I have done, the idea is to use an artist's body of work to create a portrait of that artist.

The muralists pose in front of (part of) the mural.

Final Collage #1

Final Collage #2

Full Renderings

Source Paintings

The paintings that I utilized from these incredible artists include:

UL: Oliver Vernon / UR: Oliver Vernon / BL: Oliver Vernon, Mars-1, Damon Soule collab / BR: Oliver Vernon

UL: Damon Soule / UR: Damon Soule / BL: Oliver Vernon / BR: Oliver Vernon

UL: David Choong Lee / UR: Oliver Vernon / BL: Oliver Vernon, Mars-1, Damon Soule, David Choong Lee, Nome Edonna collab / BR: Oliver Vernon

UL: Mars-1 / UR: Nome Edonna / BL: Oliver Vernon / BR: Oliver Vernon
